Press Contact
Susanne Brüsch
Katzbachstr. 21
10965 Berlin
+49 30 55576439
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(name is given in each picture title). Thank you!

Farewell in Glasgow at Dales Cycles I Johanna Speirs

Bruce MacLeod and Susanne Brüsch in Newcastle

Bike of choice for E-Bike Africa – Haibike XDURO with Bosch mid motor. The solar charging infrastructure on the toutterrain trailer is custom built. I Susanne Brüsch

The E-Bike Africa riders Bruce MacLeod and Susanne Brüsch are happy about Uwe Schlemeder's company and technical support in Amsterdam

Holland at it's best I Susanne Brüsch

Welcome to space-age in Rotterdam's city center I Susanne Brüsch

Rotterdam offers far more than The Netherland's largest harbor I Susanne Brüsch

The E-Bike Africa team leaving youth hostel Stayokay in Rotterdam I Susanne Brüsch

On her Haibike XDURO with Bosch mid motor Susanne Brüsch of Pedelec Adventures rode from Glasgow to Paris as the first leg of the E-Bike Africa expedition I Bruce MacLeod

After cycling almost 900 km from Glasgow to Paris, the E-Bike Africa team arrived at COP21 in early December

Susanne Brüsch and Bruce MacLeod presenting E-Bike Africa at COP21 in Paris

On her Haibike XDURO with Bosch mid motor Susanne Brüsch of Pedelec Adventures rode from Glasgow to Paris as the first leg of the E-Bike Africa expedition I Bruce MacLeod

On her Haibike XDURO with Bosch mid motor Susanne Brüsch of Pedelec Adventures rode from Glasgow to Paris as the first leg of the E-Bike Africa expedition I Bruce MacLeod

The E-Bike Africa team with a delegation from South Africa – the destination of their journey I Uwe Schlemender

Bruce MacLeod and Susanne Brüsch have reached Paris on their way from Glasgow to Cape Town | Uwe Schlemender