I am reborn. I had my first hot shower after days, when waking up at Bear River Lake. It promised to be an awesome day even though the sun was hiding behind clouds.

Today we crossed the Pacific Crest and arrived at the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Finally. We climbed 40 km to be rewarded with the amazing views over the snow-covered mountains and frozen lakes before and after pass. The pass itself was disappointing. At least the sign could have been a bit more spectacular.
Still, there was snow but not heaps of it. We can safely say, we had enough of it, for now.
Our climb to 8574 ft was rewarded with a long downhill allowing speeds of over 70 km/h on our mountain bikes.
While barely escaping serious rainfalls several times we had to take another detour because of yet another closed mountain pass. This brought us into Nevada for a few miles before we followed the highway towards Mono Lake back into California. Stunning scenery with a lake and view of the Sierra Nevada mountains in the evening light in-between dark clouds welcomed us back.

We are finally back on track again!
Riding data:
Distance: 146 km Av. speed: 29 km/h Max speed: 70,4 km/h (Susi) Energy consumption: ca. 765 Wh (Susi) Riding mode: mostly High (Susi) Uphill: 2,040 m Downhill: 2,250 m Surface: Asphalt road Riders: Susi, Andreas
Accommodation: KOA Campground Coleville