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Sep 17, 2020
New Adventure E-Traction – The Trip Started in Paris
Yesterday, a new Pedelec Adventure, E-Traction – The Trip, started in Paris below the city's most prominent landmark. In perfect summer...

May 16, 2019
Zuschauerfragen zur MoMa Sendung „E-Mobil auf zwei Rädern“ - alle Antworten hier!
Am 16. April lief im ARD Morgenmagazin die Sendung „E-Mobil auf zwei Rädern” an der ich beteiligt war. Antworten auf alle Zuschauerfragen ru

Mar 8, 2019
„Pedelec“ und die Story hinter dem Begriff - eBIKEplus berichtet
Pünktlich zum internationalen Weltfrauentag berichtet die eBIKEplus woher der Begriff „Pedelec“ eigentlich stammt - von einer Frau. Und...

Aug 25, 2017
20 Years in E-Bikes - What a Ride!
It all started at Eurobike 1997. At Germany's bicycle trade show in Friedrichshafen, 20 years ago, I took a seat in the saddle of an...

Aug 25, 2017
20 Jahre Rückwind - Mein wundersamer Weg durch die E-Bike Welt
Alles begann auf der Eurobike 1997. Auf der Fahrradmesse am Bodensee vor genau 20 Jahren saß ich zum aller ersten Mal auf einem Fahrrad...

Aug 21, 2017
Vortrag zum E-Bike Reise-Trend: Was Kunden vom Fachhändler wissen wollen
„Ich will eine E-Bike Reise machen - was können Sie mir dafür empfehlen?“ Was ich mir vom Händler meines Vertrauens als reiselustiger...

Aug 18, 2017
Sand to Snow E-Bike Abenteuer auf der Eurobike - Vortrag am Publikumstag
Die Sommerferien sind (fast) vorbei und in euch brennt immer noch im Reisefieber? Dann kommt am Publikumstag auf die Fahrradmesse...

Jun 30, 2017
Endorphine für die Firma - neuer Vortrag von Susanne Brüsch mit Premiere auf dem Berliner EUREF-Camp
In Wort, Bild und Film berichte ich am 5. Juli 2017 in meinem neuen Vortrag “Endorphine für die Firma” wie das Pedelec Leistung und...

Nov 25, 2016
Die Welt per Pedelec entdecken - Vortrag von Susanne Brüsch bei Electrify-BW
Wann: 6. Dezember 2016, 17:00 Uhr (Vortragsbeginn: 19:00) Wo: Mäulesmühle, Leinenden-Echterdingen Am 6. Dezember geht es für mich in die...

Oct 20, 2016
Motorbike and Pedelec Riders Share Sprit of Adventure at Intermot
The spirit of adventure was all over the motorcycle show in Cologne from October 5-9, 2016. Standing next to so many artfully designed,...

Jul 28, 2016
Reviving the Highlights between the Highlights of our Sand to Snow E-Bike Tour
The Sand to Snow team is back home in Berlin and London, safe and happy. We have brought with us the most amazing memories of this 5,000...

Jun 9, 2016
Moab's Slick Rock Trail on Haibikes is a Blast
I am hyped! Here, in Moab our electric mountain bikes have found their true destiny and we are in a cyclist's paradise. Already the...

May 6, 2016
Cycling over Scenic Highway 395 to Mono Lake and its Hot Springs
To escape the rain, we left the camp early today with dark clouds behind us. For once, the cycling was easy. No snow or icy creek or...

May 3, 2016
Crossing the Pacific Crest
I am reborn. I had my first hot shower after days, when waking up at Bear River Lake. It promised to be an awesome day even though the...

May 2, 2016
Stuck in Snow but Not with our Electric Bicycles
We continue our detour. After a very adventurous day yesterday, where we had to cycle and walk through icy water, we would not give up...

May 2, 2016
The E-Bike Adventure Truly Starts Here
Since we have to alter our original route, things are getting adventurous. On our way around the closed Sierra Nevada passes, including...

Apr 29, 2016
Yosemite in reach
Yosemite is on our mind and now in our reach, almost. This morning, we started preparing ourselves and the pedelecs for the wilderness in...

Apr 26, 2016
Turning towards the wilderness
Our days in the urban sprawl that is the Bay area are over. We are turning towards the wild, destined for the first National Park on our...

Apr 25, 2016
Saying Hello to Tesla and Google and Goodbye to Others
The Silicon Valley probably has the densest concentration of geniuses in tech and internet businesses in the world. It is home to...

Apr 24, 2016
Silicon Valley Tech Meets Electric Bicycles
To understand an electric bicycle, it is best to test one. While one would think that the tech guys of the Silicon Valley would know all...
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